Welcome to Session 1 of the Influence self reflection course:

Recently, Simon Sinek’s work, has become very popular in the world of leadership.  His book “Start with Why” has become a global best seller on leadership and how we message with influence.

STEP 1 – Here is the Ted Talk that summarises the book. Take time to watch it, reflecting on how you message and influence.

STEP 2 – Read through this excellent summary of the book Here.

STEP 3 – Compare the video and summary notes with this sketchnote from Lynne Cazaly:

Start With Why

STEP 4 – Reflect and make notes on the following questions:

  1. What are your initial reactions to the video? Why these reactions?
  2. If you consider how you typically communicate, where do you start your communication, at the what, how or why space?
  3. If you embedded the “WHY” more in your communication, what would be the impact?
  4. How can you embed more “Why” in your daily communication? What would that sound like? What would you be saying?
  5. Take some time to consider YOUR golden circle:
    1. “WHY” goals – What are your personal, family and health goals?
    2. “HOW” goals – What are your personal & professional development goals?
    3. “WHAT” goals – What are your business, career and financial goals?
  6. What else can you take from ideas shared here and apply into becoming a better influencer?

Thanks for watching, reading and reflecting!

CLICK HERE to visit the next session of the series!