Welcome to week two of the influence self reflection course.

This week I want to share with you a summary of the excellent book “The Tipping Point” by author Malcolm Gladwell. His research shows that with a few simple ideas our influence can expand and have a massive impact.

STEP 1 – Watch this simple summary and as you watch consider how you and great influencers you know apply these principles:

Step 2 – Read through this summary of the book HERE

Step 3 – Read through this visual summary of the key messages from the book.


Step 4 – Reflect and make notes on these self reflection questions:

  1. Think about the network of people you have around you, how would you class the percentage of connectors, mavens and sales people that you have in your network?
    1. What do you need more of to gain greater influence?
    2. How can you find and connect with them?
  2. Think about someone you are trying to influence.
    1. How can you use the stickiness factor to impact your messaging and approach?
    2. What role does the power of context have in this situation?
  3. How could you employ the ideas from this concept more generally in your day to day work?
  4. As you look to build a bigger sphere of influence, what actions can you take in the next few weeks?

Thanks for watching, reading and reflecting!

Click HERE to go on to session 3 of the self paced course on influencing.