Welcome to session 6 of this self paced learning article on influencing. Following on from session 4, I find these concepts from Julian Treasure really useful. This video is short, but jam packed with useful ideas.

Step 1 – Watch Julian’s TED video

Step 2 – Take some time to reflect on the questions below?

  1. Are you guilty of using any of the speaking sins occasionally and if so, which one AND how can you reduce the use?
    1. Gossip
    2. Judging
    3. Negativity
    4. Complaining
    5. Excuse
    6. Lying
    7. Dogmatism
  2. Which of the four foundations do you feel that in strengthening, would make your communication more effective and impactful.
    1. Honesty
    2. Authenticity
    3. Integrity
    4. Love
  3. How can you use the idea of warming up and consciously modulating your voice in your work?
  4. What other ideas stand out in this video?
  5. What are you going to do differently in the next few weeks?

As always, thanks for watching and reflecting!