This is the start of the third instalment of visual canvases. Since I finished off the last post, I have had several requests to share more. You can see the initial post with canvases 1 to 50 HERE and the second post with 51 to 100 HERE.

PLEASE NOTE: I am curating these canvases into a single location, but do not hold the copyright – For further use of the images / canvases, please read the license that goes with them. Most are Creative Commons non-commercial / share alike – but please check and respect the intellectual property!

101 – The Mobius Loop

Last week I was keynoting alongside Michael LaChapelle, who has developed this canvas around designing and innovating products and services. It also works well with organisational transformation.Michael has developed a whole toolset around this canvas and is currently  finalising a card deck of tools to support the methodology.  More resources including sub-canvases and a detailed guide can be found HERE.


The Mobius Loop Canvas


The canvas helps uncover, learn and clarify:

  • WHY describes the problem: What is the problem to solve or idea to pursue?
  • WHO focuses on the end-users: Who are the target customers and what do they need?
  • OUTCOMES describe the driving purpose: They should be clear and measurable.
    How will we measure the customer and business needs?
  • OPTIONS are the potential solutions to deliver the outcomes: How will we deliver the Outcomes?
  • DELIVER is the validation cycle:
    Run experiments and deliver to customers.
  • MEASURE is where we assess what really happened: Did we deliver the desired outcomes? How much of an impact did we make?
  • LEARN is the feedback loop that takes you back to the options pivot: Measure the impact and learn what we should do next.

102 – Consumer trends

The Consumer Trends canvas developed by TrendWatching is focused on helping people identify future trends by working from the present and imagineering into the future to create your own innovations. A full description of the canvas can be found HERE. A .pdf version of the canvas is  available HERE.

103 – Cultural Value Proposition Canvas

This canvas, developed by David J Carr , asks us to reflect on the value of a brand through posing the questions:

  • What value do we deliver to the individual or the community?
  • How do we add value not noise?
  • Which cultural needs are we satisfying?

You can dig deeper into the canvas and the ideas behind it by visiting HERE. A .pdf can be downloaded HERE.


104 – User Centred Design

As the name suggests, the User Centred Design Canvas or USDC for short, developed Alina Prelicz-Zawadzka and Leszek Zawadzki of The Rectangles is a tool for facilitating the user experience design processes. It helps with….

  • Understanding the target user
  • Defining product/market fit
  • Adjusting the business to the user and market needs
  • Determining the competitive advantages
  • Creating Unique Value Proposition
  • Improving the brand communication strategy

The website HERE, has a really solid walk though. A .pdf version of the canvas can be found HERE.


105 – Startup Ecosystem

This canvas, from the Founder Foundation, helps startup leaders map their local ecosystem in a framework that makes it more transparent and inviting for new entrepreneurs. You can read more about the idea behind the canvas, instructions and more HERE. A PDF of the Canvas can be founder HERE. See sample canvases HERE.


106 – Satisfaction vs Loyalty

This canvas, developed by a good friend and colleague Tom Venning gets you to reflect on how you manage and can improve your customer relationships. You can find a really solid .PDF document that provides an overview of the canvas HERE. Tom’s Website has additional supporting resources HERE.

107 – Service Logic

The Service Logic Canvas has been designed to support “Lean” Service design. Developed by Jukka Ojasalo and Katri Ojasalo, a full academic paper that outlines their rational and the development of the Canvas can be found HERE. Thanks to Jack Martin Leith for bringing this to my attention.

108 – Systems Thinking

Developed by Kelvy Bird & Jessica Riehl, This canvas was developed to help scribes prepare for scribing systems live. The canvas followed very much in the systems dynamics DSRP model – Several resources HERE. Kelvy and Jessica both, along with a broader team run online classes on systems scribing HERE. You can see my outputs from Cohort 1 HERE. A .PDF of the canvas can be downloaded HERE. You can see some outputs of their first workshops on the topic HERE.

109 – Team Alignment Canvas

Developed by Sean Craig and Joel Bailey , co-creators of The Strategy Field Guide. The Team Alignment Canvas provides a simple tool for organisations and teams to create clarity, which – as Patrick Lencioni puts it in his book The Advantage – is “essential to building and maintaining a healthy” team or organisation. Based on Lencioni’s six questions, the canvas provides a one page summary that can be shared with all members of an organisation or team. A blank .PDF of the Canvas can be found HERE. I don’t have further background information, but if you have read Lencioni’s work on teams, you will understand where this is coming from.

Team Canvas

110 – Alignment

Developed by Mark van Meurs, The purpose of the Alignment Canvas is twofold. First it helps teams define qualitative and quantitative goals for a specific period. Secondly a completed canvas can be discussed with other teams and stakeholders to show and review goals and expectations. A set of canvasses serve as a tool to check if everyone is moving in the same direction and reveal when they are not. A thorough write up can be found HERE. You can download a .ppt of the canvas HERE.

Alignment Canvas visual

111 –  Flourishing Business

Developed by the Flourishing Enterprise team, it enables any stakeholders deemed relevant to design the economic, social and environmental aspects of an organization’s business model. Resources around the canvas can be found HERE. Thanks to Ben Clayton for bringing this to my attention.


Flourishing Business Canvas

112 – ExO (Exponential Organization)

According to the authors, OpenExO ,the ExO Canvas Worksheet helps visionaries, innovators, top executives and entrepreneurs design highly scalable organizations by leveraging new organizational techniques and accelerating technologies, creating an Exponential Organization (ExO). You can download a .pdf copy of the canvas HERE. You can find out more about the ExO community and ecosystem HERE. Thanks to Ralf Bamert for the suggestion of inclusion and Ben Clayton for the link.

Exo Canvas

Here are the guiding questions (also from the .PDF):

exo canvas questions

The implementation of the canvas is supported by a sprint process (more information HERE):

ExO Sprint process

113 – Competitive Positioning

Developed by Dr Claude Diderich, this is a canvas to support documenting insights that lead into identifying a firm’s competitive positioning in the market in a structured and holistic way. It provides a common language to executives, strategists, and consultants, for leading the discussion and decision about competitive positioning. You can download the image below as a .PDF HERE (No blank I am afraid). You can read more about the canvas HERE.

Competitive Positioning Canvas

114 – Viable Systems Model

Developed by Mark Lambertz, the purpose of this canvas is to analyze and design an organization according to the patterns of viability – and create an overview of all the (major) processes, roles, meetings and tools for each system. Simple Canvas .pdf can be found HERE. A recursive one, like the one below, can be found HERE. You can find Mark’s description of how to use the canvas HERE. If you are keen to learn more about systems thinking, visit THIS hub of resources I have created.

Viable System Model Canvas

115 – Team Alignment Map

Developed by Dr Stefano Mastrogiacomo this canvas to help teams align their work more effectively. It is pretty self explanatory and I have posted a short video introduction below. .PDF of the Map can be found HERE.

Team Alignment MAP



Dr Mastrogiacomo has also developed some other resources to support teamwork. You can find them HERE.


MORE TO COME. Please share additional canvases you would like to see – Moving domains April 1st 2020 so will update there

Marketing Canvas by Gabriele Carboni – shared

Remote Team Canvas: Remote Team CanvasR2

SDG Canvas – and*R2UjdJufB96jvGfcf8JNpA.tiff