This is the fifth instalment of my Social Leadership 100 days journey. To learn about the whole process visit HERE. Days 40 to 49 are focused on “community” (location, purpose and role). You can visit HERE the previous days.
Day 40 – Where are my communities
This day asks us to list out the communities we are engaged in. Currently at the OU they are my two delivery groups: B629 Associate Lecturers and the CMDA team AND the online community of 100 Days OU. Three things I think hinder me entering more communities. One is my introverted ness, second is my disconnection from Milton Keynes and thirdly I would not know where to search.
Day 41 – Where are your other communities?
Today asks us to list out our other communities. All of mine are virtual really. The International Association of Facilitators and the International Coach Federation being the two key ones that are formal. I also hand around a couple of professional ones also. Being a student of the OU, I am also connected to my peers on my current Design & Innovation module U101 and Q61 BSc students in general.
Day 42 – Coming and going
This day asks us to consider where we get value in our communities and if we should join new ones and possibly exit ones that do not add value. I regularly prune forums and groups I am a member of on LinkedIn or Facebook. I do not find this particularly difficult as I am quite strict with how I use my time.
Day 43 – Your role
This day acts us to reflect on what roles we take in our communities. I would say that I take no lead in any OU community. I am very much a supporter, contributor and resource sharer within those communities. In terms of support, I feel really supported in ALL OU communities I engage with. I have selected out of a couple of communities, where I did not think they were particularly positive. I am really enjoying being part of the 100DaysOU community. In terms of consumption, I share, I think, more than I consume.

Day 44 – The arms of community
Found this day impossible to share publicly – So no comment here. But I do leave an image:

Day 45 – An Action day.
This day asks us to go find a community that we can contribute to. I have looked outside of the OU and found a couple that I think can add value to me and the #100DaysOU network. This is still work in progress. I have no time to join even more communities at this moment in time.

46 – Starting communities
A bit like the previous day, this days asks us to consider what communities could I start. Within the OU, I think a few could include: visual thinking, practical systems thinking, sketch noting and coaching / mentoring network. Not sure if these are needed and I do not particularly want to dilute efforts. Hoping to check in, on my January visit, to see what other´s thoughts are.

47 – Professional Communities
I am a member of two professional communities:
The International Coach Federation and the International Association of Facilitators. They both bring me professional recognition through their “designations” but more than that, they are truly great learning communities and provide a lot of support and encouragement within the peer network. I cannot see myself leaving these.

Day 48 – Bias in communities
This is a great day. All communities are biased. I definitely have sensed an us vs them bias in terms of central academics / support versus Las. A lot of the language in communications has been VERY poor in the past towards ALs. Sometimes it seems they are not seen as academics nor a core part of the OU community. This does not seem as bad as it was, but I sense with many they still feel it.

Day 49 – Equality
Are OU communities divers and inclusive. I guess this is a “it depends” answer. I am sure there are bubbles of excellence and totally the opposite of excellence. In the communities I am an, I am not seeing particular issues. is the OU as an organisation as diverse and inclusive as it could be? I think it strives to be, but this in itself is VERY tricky. Also, due to my distant AL vie, I may have a pretty big bias.

What are your thoughts on this....