Following on from my Canvas Collection, here is a collection of two by two matrices.
They are in no particular order, but rather, I have remembered them OR people have shared them with me.
1: Time well spent (Enjoyable vs Valuable)
Developed by Chris How (shared with me by Sharon Dale). A full version with explanations can be found HERE.
2 – Productive Distraction
Developed by Carsten Pedersen this two by two looks at the balance between capacity to focus versus gaining input from multiple sources. The full article and original document can be found HERE.
3 – Creativity Grid (Creatrix Grid)
Visit HERE for more information on the psychometric and resources around this tool and information on the author Dr Richard Byrd.
DO YOU have any others that I should share? Happy to reference the source and you as the person who shared it with me.
What are your thoughts on this....