
Currently prohibited by travel restrictions?
Looking to bring people from diverse backgrounds to share a common language around leadership?
Interested in combining class room learning with on the job embedding?

The Leadership Challenge from the locations of your choice!

The Leadership Challenge Virtual Webinar SeriesThese are just some of the reasons why you and your organisation may choose to take onboard The Leadership Challenge in an interactive webinar based format.

The Leadership Challenge Webinar series is designed to bring out the same insights and learnings as our full course but through participative facilitator driven technology. The webinar series is six programs over a three month period. This timing allows learning and actions from each session to be implemented and reviewed in the following session.


Participants will over the three month period:

* Receive feedback on their leadership strengths and opportunities for improvement.
* Improve their ability to lead their teams.
* Increase the effectiveness of their one on one and one to many communication.
* Develop increased collaboration within their team.
* Enable their team members to stretch to higher levels of performance.
* Be better prepared as a leader for the changes of the future.
The learning programme and content flow is the following:

Pre programme
Prior to starting the webinar series, each participant is asked to complete the Leadership Practises Inventory which is the 360 degree leadership feedback inventory linked to the five core leadership practises of the The Leadership Challenge. Participants are also asked through a series of guided questions in a workbook to reflect on their leadership ability up to the date of the programme.

Webinar 1 – The Leadership Challenge overview
This first of the series focuses on three key areas after making participants comfortable with the webinar platform:
1) An overview of the The Leadership Challenge and its 5 Practises.
2) An explanation of the Leadership Practises Inventory and the report results.
3) A process for defining a core leadership goal for the 3 months of the programme

Webinar 2 – Focused on Practice 1: Model the Way
The second webinar reviews the learning and action implementation from the previous webinar and focuses on the practise of “Model the Way” and its two leadership commitments:
Commitment #1: Find Your Voice by clarifying your personal values.
Commitment #2: Set the Example by aligning actions with shared values.
The session ends with a review of insights and one key action that each participant will take away and carry out.

Webinar 3 – Focused on Practice 2: Inspire a Shared Vision
The third webinar reviews the learning and action implementation from the previous webinar and focuses on the practise of “Inspire a shared vision” and its two leadership commitments:
Commitment #3: Envision the Future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities
Commitment #4: Enlist Others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations
The session ends with a review of insights and one key action that each participant will take away and carry out.

The Leadership Challenge Virtual Webinar SeriesWebinar 4 – Focused on Practice 3: Challenge the Process
The fourth webinar reviews the learning and action implementation from the previous webinar and focuses on the practise of “Challenge the Process” and its two leadership commitments:
Commitment #5: Search for Opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and improve.
Commitment #6: Experiment and Take Risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes.
The session ends with a review of insights and one key action that each participant will take away and carry out.

Webinar 5 – Focused on Practice 4: Enable Others to Act
The fifth webinar reviews the learning and action implementation from the previous webinar and focuses on the practise of “Enable Others to Act” and its two leadership commitments:
Commitment #7: Foster Collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust.
Commitment #8: Strengthen Others by sharing power and discretion.
The session ends with a review of insights and one key action that each participant will take away and carry out.

Webinar 6 – Focused on Practice 5: Encourage the Heart
The sixth webinar reviews the learning and action implementation from the previous webinar and focuses on the practise of “Encourage the Heart” and its two leadership commitments:
Commitment #9: Recognize Contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence.
Commitment #10: Celebrate the Values and Victories by creating a spirit of community.
The session ends with a review of insights from the complete programme and reflections on lessons learned over the period of the learning process.

Programme collateral
Included in this programme are:
Pre programme Leadership Practice Inventory 360 degree feedback assessment
The Leadership Challenge book
The Leadership Challenge workbook
Making My Insights Effective Workbook

Additional program options
1) One on one 360 feedback coaching session for each participant prior to programme kick off.
2) Follow up Leadership Practises Inventory nine months after the start of the programme to measure change in leadership behaviours.
3) One on one coaching post program to embed the learning and assist the participants with their business challenges.
4) Group coaching for the participants for an additional three months following the programme.

Programme investment
Programme cost is based on group size and number of groups
Contact us with your requirements and we will prepare a customised proposal.


  • Raised leadership competence
  • Better motivated teas
  • Superior personal effectiveness
  • Heightened self-motivation
  • Effective people management skills

Course collateral:

  • Personalised 360 Report
  • TLC Participant’s Workbook
  • TLC Paperback
  • TTLC Practice Book
  • TLC Vision Book
  • TLC Values Cards


  • 60 minutes per participant for pre course 360 survey & pre-work
  • 20 minutes for each 360 feedback rater
  • 6 x 90 minute interactive webinars
  • 2 x 30 minute coaching sessions
  • Programme fees

Group size:
6 to 18 participants

Build leaders in all parts of your organisation

Whether you are looking to put one group through a virtual leadership challenge workshop or run a series of course, we have the experience of delivering interactive virtual delivery over multiple on-line platforms.