The International Coach Federation in partnership with the Human Capital Institute have just released a really interesting research based report on the use of coaching in change management initiatives. The report is free to ICF members (and I guess HCI ones also) or 40$ for non members.

Having read it, a few of the key takeaways are:

Higher performing organisations:

  • Use internal and external coaches more
  • Have a coaching culture: 61% versus 39%
  • Use coaching in different ways
  • See value beyond the support of the change programmes.

Overall organisations are investing in more coaching and the higher performing ones invest more.

Coaching needs to be formally included in the process

Organisations need to raise their internal coaching cadre to meet demand and provide sufficient support.

Coaching has a positive impact, often more so than other interventions (see chart):

Coaching in Change Management

If you are an internal or external coach and are engaged with change management, I would recommend that you take a read. It certainly helps sell the benefits of coaching in change / transformation projects.