I was doing some research today around VUCA and thought I would leave some of the top links of interest here on my blog

A series of articles on VUCA from Col Eric J Kail:

V is for Volatility
U is for Uncertainty
C is for Complexity
A is for Ambiguous

A solid overview by Bennett & Lemoine HERE.

I personally like the more recent version of VUCA, which is D-VUCAD adding disruption and diversity. You can read more about it for its originator Ian C Woodward of INSEAD HERE

THIS counter argument to VUCA, by Jeroen Kraaijenbrink may also be worth a read.

THIS research paper looks at developing leaders in a VUCA world.

Finally, the obligatory wikipedia post HERE. This has lots of great resources!

Do you have any resources I should add. Please feel free to share below…